Are you ready for a revolution?

In the current world of polarizing mindsets, exploring inner Shadows is a revolutionary act. 

The Shadow mindset is divisive and at the heart of conflict keeping us stuck in an inflexible belief system that there is one-right-way of doing, seeing, and being. We judge others who don't agree with our way of thinking and get caught in gridlock preventing progress of any kind. The last five years has been an example of this like no other time in our lives.

Our sympathetic nervous systems are on overdrive and as a result we are experiencing exhaustion at a whole new level. We've been surrounded by--and involved in--relentless squabbling, stuck opinions, misinformation, and distrust. Understanding our Shadows and how our individual inner-stories limit our perspective can make a HUGE difference in how we process our social environment right now. Exploring Shadow allows us to recognize what we project onto others, what we choose to engage in, what we take on from others, and how we let go.

Since the beginning of the pandemic I've hosted 9 Shadow Alchemy courses and every one who's attended has thanked me afterwards for giving them a framework to process their experiences. Many of them tell me--months, even years after taking the course--how much they rely on what they learned to center themselves and move forward with more ease.

To be clear, the focus of Shadow Alchemy is not on our social or political climate, it's about you. It's drilling deeper into your inner stories, projections, relationships, roadblocks, and how your Shadows within those spaces disconnect you from a bigger truth which is an authentic inner-connection. When we are brave enough to seek out and examine our Shadows we find our likeness in one another and remember our connection to Oneness. What a gift!

Shadow Alchemy is an opportunity to face what you judge most about yourself to make way for a deep and sustainable self-love and an authentic and fulfilling connection with others.

If you are considering taking my Shadow Alchemy program and have questions or would like to explore whether it’s the right time for you, please schedule a Q&A call with me.

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

The Shadow of pandemic deniers.


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