The space between what-is and what you want.

This is not to say that we should stop dreaming or thinking big for ourselves—keep doing that for sure!!

This is more about how much we RESIST what-is.

Shadows develop when we run away from what-is.

Shadows haunt us and the more we resist their existence, the denser and more warped they get, the more ashamed of them we become, and the harder it gets to face them.

You are not alone in this.
We all have Shadows.
I have Shadows (yes, still!)
You have Shadows.

“Transparency is kryptonite” for our Shadows.

BUT, we must choose WISELY who we speak to about what we are resisting (Shadows).

The wrong person (i.e. someone who hasn’t done a good amount of their own Shadow exploration) can unintentionally make things worse.

I’ve dedicated my life, training, and experience to being able to be in this conversation with you.

I’m here when you’re ready. ❤️❤️

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

When boundaries feel rigid.


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