Remembering Our Divine Feminine.

Here's a truth that our society is set up to make you forget: You are perfection, incarnate. You are not broken, or fragmented, or separate from the Divine Energy that brought you here. You are ALL you will ever need to be, right now, as is. To know this is to honor your birthright, to live your purpose, and to transmit your gifts to others.
You may know this truth in your heart and feel it in your bones, but your mind resists it. When you allow yourself to feel and believe this as truth at a cellular level, you can move mountains, re-organize timelines, and create parallel universes built entirely on LOVE. YOU ARE a powerful creator who is One with life, sovereign and at Source.
Through no fault of your own, you were separated from this knowing, but it’s time to remember. 
The Sacred Feminine is calling you home. Asking you to REMEMBER who you ARE. She is whispering to you now, in this very moment, reminding you that you are a Queen.
It is my honor to mentor women on this path of remembering their sacred feminine sovereignty. As an Activator of Remembrance, I have witnessed women realize this truth and it’s magical, unparalleled, and awe-inspiring.
So, what about it, my friend? 
Are you ready to REMEMBER your Sacredness?
Are you willing to ACTIVATE it?
Are you available to AMPLIFY it?

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

Do you judge yourself for being lazy?


What outcome are you trying to control?