Are you ready to end self-judgment?

Many years ago, I was cruising in a car with my friend and updating her on my life in my typical self-disparaging way. She interrupted me and said something to the effect of, “I don’t know why you’re putting yourself down so much. Why are you taking all the blame? Can you tell me the story without putting yourself down?” I ignored her and continued talking. She pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned to me and said, “You talk this way about yourself all the time and it hurts me to hear it. This is what I love about you…” and then she rattled off a detailed list of wonderful attributes. I squirmed in my seat and tried to cut her off, “OK, I get it.” But she ignored me and kept speaking. Her list was comprehensive and powerful and I felt overwhelmed and started crying because I didn’t think I deserved the nice things she was saying.

Typically, when we talk about the inner-Shadow we are referring to negative aspects of ourselves that we reject, but the Golden Shadow refers to positive attributes that we fail to see—like our own beauty, talent, and inner strengths. My inability to hear my friend’s love list was an indicator of my rejection of those aspects of myself.

The Shadow and the Golden Shadow invite us to look at all aspects—what we own and what we don’t and encourage us to embrace the polarity so that no matter what arises, we can love it just the same.

If you were to fully believe in your gifts, talents, skills, and attractiveness what would shift in terms of how you approach your life?

Are you ready to reclaim wonderful aspects of yourself so that you can enjoy life without holding back?

You have a few options for how to get started:

  1. Book a FREE call with me so I can tell you what’s coming up that would be fit your needs.

  2. Check out my FREE online events page for the next Golden Shadow workshop.

  3. Enroll in Shadow Alchemy Program that happens twice a year.

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

Are you ready to stop being so tough on yourself?


What happens when we are the antagonist?